Grid Wide, Sim & Store Hunts. HUNT SL is your tool for finding them all!

Cast Your Vote!

This is the online ballot form for the Hunties, the awards given annually for the best Hunts, Hunt Gifts and Hunt Organizers in Second Life.

Balloting ENDS at 11:59 pm SLT on December 31st, 2024.

Second Life Avatar Names are required (no display names). This information will be treated in strict confidence.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have the full name of the Gift, the Designer/Store and the name of the Hunt (example: Sally’s Cozy Chair – PattyMelt/Decor Chair Inc. – The Cozy Hunt). In the case of favorite hunt or hunt organizer please have the full name of the Organizer/Organization and the name of the Hunt (example: The Onion Party Hunt – Miles Manly/Manly Hunts). One nomination per category please. 

Visual Examples: 

PLEASE NOTE: All required information must be listed. Leaving out the name of a hunt, what the hunt gift was or the name of a store or creator can lead to an invalid nomination that will not be counted.

Before you hit the submit button, please make sure you have filled out your ballot correctly and remember The Huntie Awards recognize organizers and stores that cater to the hunt community. The purpose of the ballot is to nominate hunts, hunt organizers and hunt participants for the current year not just the stores or brands you like. This award is hunt specific.

If there is an issue with your ballot you may be contacted and asked to clarify information or submit your nominations again. Leaving out required information will lead to an invalid ballot that will not be counted.