Grid Wide, Sim & Store Hunts. HUNT SL is your tool for finding them all!

Submit A Hunt

Please fill this form in as completely as you can. All required fields must be filled in or your submission will not be posted.

IMPORTANT: If you are having an event please fill out the submit an event form, if you are having an event/hunt combo please fill out the submit an event/hunt combo form. This form is for hunts only.

HUNT SL POSTING POLICY: Hunt SL posts news about grid wide, sim and store hunts as well as unique events. Submissions for sales/sales rooms, contests and recurring events such as monthly events/events with ’rounds’ will not be posted. Please keep store hunts to a maximum of 1 per month. We are pleased to offer you advertising for your venue. Please see the advertising tab for details.


Region Rating(s)(required)